27 Jul

July 27, 2014 – Update and Appeal for 21 Ugandan Nursing Students, 16 of Whom Are Transgender

After some interesting twists and turns, we are pleased to report that 111 more LGBT passengers successfully rode the Railroad this week, and are now resting at their interim destinations. It was our biggest week, and brings the total up to 270.

We can confirm 70 folks in countries of final destination (there are more, but these we can confirm), and a whole bunch likely to depart for their destinations next week. And, for the first time, we might have some coming to the U.S. soon. (in process)

But we have a new group waiting, 21 nursing students (16 of whom are transgender) were expelled from a university late last week, and their names were read out over the radio and published in a special bulletin. Mobs are looking for them. One of our conductors managed to ferry them to a “safer” location out of immediate harm’s way.

An additional $1,155 (21 x $55) plus transfer fees will be needed to move them along.
Please donate! http://friendsugandansafetransport.org/donate/