26 Jun

High Alert: Homophobia in Uganda peaks

In the wake of anti-gay legislation and escalating violence, activists show unimaginable courage

By KEVIN NAULLS – NOW | June 26-July 3, 2014

“… Not everyone on this side of the Atlantic is comfortable just watching the news. Trans Quaker activist Talcott Broadhead co-runs the New Underground Railroad out of Olympia, Washington. …”

Read and share this article: http://goo.gl/LGKvV2

05 Jun

Petition: UK HOME OFFICE: Cancel Harriet Nakigudde Removal Directions Now

Sign the petition: http://goo.gl/4ie96Y

” Harriet Nakigudde is a 30 year old lesbian, from Uganda, who fled harassment, discrimination and persecution by her own family as well as the general public, including the government. She sought protection in the UK on the basis of fearing for her life because of her sexuality, as a lesbian. And true to form, the United Kingdom once again is rejecting a lesbian, based on their belief that she is not a lesbian. Thus keeps happening. And we are reminded of the actual death that did occur when the UK Home Office successfully deported lesbian Jackie Nanyonjo.”

“… Ms. Nakigudde is currently under immediate threat of removal back to Uganda and at risk of imprisonment and torture upon arrival. She has received removal directions for Tuesday the June10, 2014, even though she has a pending Judicial review application in the High Court.”

Find out more and sign the petition here: https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/UNITED_KINGDOM_HOME_OFFICE_CANCEL_HARRIET_NAKIGUDDE_REMOVAL_DIRECTIONS_NOW/

04 Jun


by Melanie Nathan, June 03, 2014.

“In its ongoing war against its LGBTI gay community, the Ugandan Government has now shut down The Civil Society Coalition on Human Rights & Constitutional Law.  This is the organization which is currently challenging the constitutionality of the Anti-Homosexuality Act in the Ugandan Courts.  This announcement was made on NTV News tonight.”

“… This is exactly what was feared, that all opposition, even legal democratic challenges would be abused by the Ugandan Government through the clause in the new bill that forbids the so called “promotion” of homosexuality. ”

Read the whole article: